Live odds

Giorgio | Netherlands | Friday August 8 2008, 15:52 | 0 Comments

Today it's the 8th of the 8th of the 8th, the day the Olympics in Beijing have officially started. For me it's just another working day. I wish I could already focus on offering information about betting on the Olympic Games, but the site as it is, is simply not ready for it yet.

Anyway, during my research, which lately seems to take up a significant amount of my daily job, I discovered that the one thing that differ most of the sportsbook related websites from each other, are live odds. Good sites have them, most crap sites without any serving purposes don't.

I also noticed that there are several ways others have implemented live odds into their websites, but arrogant as I am... it can be done much better.

I believe that live odds are definitely one of the things that helps you pick the right sportsbook site, one that offers you the best odds. So, I am on it as we speak!

Now... the plan is to have a couple of nice tables showing live odds for popular sports, where odds will be displayed for sportsbooks I have chosen to work with.

I haven't found the right format for the sportsbook reviews I was talking about in my previous blog entry. In fact, I am still doubting what will be best. I did update all payment methods available for each online sportsbook, but more investigation is needed to make the review stand out.

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