Choosing the right sportsbook partners

Giorgio | Netherlands | Wednesday August 6 2008, 10:09 | 0 Comments

The past few days I have been negotiating with several partners I've positively been working with for until now. I decided that it's best to work with people and providers you know, specially when you're entering a new industry as a rookie. I like to learn from those who are experienced and expand my personal knowledge to create another kick-ass website and online sportsbook resource.

You can find a small and selective group of online sports books on EuroSlam, chosen for the powerful names and bonuses. The coming days we will do our research to complete the reviews and sportsbook bonuses.

Yesterday, a good friend, which most of the old EuroSlam members known as Desdope, has given his word to write about basketball when the site is all set. I'm already looking forward to this, as he used to write superb recaps for NBA Live games in the past. Who knows I can even convince Dirt-Fly coming back for an occasional column...

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